Friday, 7 January 2011

On Jason Sanford and Harlan Ellison

For people not familiar with Jason Sanford an education is in order.

Sanford is a writer still fairly new to the scene. He made his breakthrough a couple of years ago, and has since established himself in a fairly short time as one of the most exciting talents in SF. Recently, Interzone ran a special issue in his honour, including 3 new short stories of his and an interview, alongside a further story he had forwarded to Interzone. Needless to say, I enjoyed it immensely and would recommend his fiction to anyone.

In this blog on his website, he passed comment on Harlan Ellison and his constant claiming that he has had most of the original ideas ever in the universe.

I can't personally pass comment on Ellison's works. I'm not familiar with them and this is an oversight on my behalf. But I can pass comment on his protestations that people take his ideas, notably James Cameron when writing The Terminator. I recommend to all that you read what Sanford has to say. He says what I want to far better than I can.

1 comment:

  1. See also
